Zero Emission Regional Aviation Conference

Green Aviation Norway is hosting the first international interdisciplinary conference on future regional zero-emission aviation. Join us in Oslo on October 18, 2022.
The need for an accelerated transition to greener aviation is evident. The regional aviation segment will be instrumental in bringing new technologies and energy carriers to the market. Norway, with more than 40 airports, is highly dependent on small to midsize aircraft to operate on the regional network – as is the case for many other countries where zero or low-emission regional aviation solutions can be of significant value and even unlock new markets.
Increased collaboration is key to accelerating innovation and decreasing the time to market for new solutions. With broad experience from electrifying the private car segment and bringing zero and low emission solutions to the maritime market, as well as having access to renewable energy and highly motivated key stakeholders, Norway is well positioned and feels obligated to take the initiative in creating a joint innovation arena for the regional segment.
The programme Green Aviation Norway was recently launched by the Civil Aviation Authority Norway (regulator), Avinor (airport infrastructure and airspace), SINTEF (research) and the Federation of Norwegian Industries (industry) to coordinate and facilitate the process.
With this conference, we aim to bring together key stakeholders who represent the full ecosystem and can play a role in accelerating the green transition. Secondly, we aim to identify key areas to prioritise in the near term and how we can collaborate to develop, test and introduce new solutions faster.
There will be contributions from a broad range of stakeholders – such as the Norwegian Minister of Climate and Environment Barth Eide, EASA, CAA Norway, the European Commission DG R&I, Widerøe Zero, ENOVA, Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking, environmental organisations, investors, energy suppliers, airport infrastructure and airspace operator Avinor and aircraft- and engine manufacturers.
Each theme in the agenda will be introduced by a keynote speaker, followed by further interventions, discussions and summations.
The conference will be held at Old Deichmanske Library, Arne Garborgs plass 4, Oslo October 18th, 09:30–17:00. The entrance will be free with lunch included.
Register for the event here, latest by October 10, 2022.