Endringer i regelverket som er under arbeid
Mye av regelverket som gjelder for norsk luftfart er basert på felleseuropeisk regelverk. De fleste regelverksprosjektene skjer derfor i regi av EASA (EUs flysikkerhetsbyrå).
EASA publiserer årlig en oppdatert flysikkerhetsplan (European Plan for Aviation Safety, EPAS). Gjennom EPAS settes strategiske prioriteringer for perioden, og det fastsettes aksjoner og oppfølgingspunkter for sikkerhetsarbeidet i Europa.
Oppdatering av regelverket er viktige oppfølgingspunkter som inngår i EPAS. Hvert regelverksprosjekt (Rulemaking Task, RMT) har et nummer i EPAS. I tillegg til RMT inngår aksjoner for statene (Member State Task, MST), sikkerhetsoppfølging (Safety Promotion Task, SPT), forskningsprosjekter (Resarch project, RES), evalueringer (Evaluation, EVT) og implementeringsstøtte (Implementaion Support Task, IST).
Oppgavene for statene (MST) er i Norge fulgt opp gjennom den nasjonale flysikkerhetsplanen.
EPAS del I inneholder de strategiske prioriteringene. EPAS del II inneholder oversikt over alle aksjonene og oppfølgingspunktene, inkludert RMTs. EPAS del II inneholder flere vedlegg som gir nyttige oversikter, blant annet hvilke regelverksprosjekter som ble sluttført året før, og hvilke regelverksprosjekter som planlegges for inneværende år. EPAS del III presenterer metoden for analysen som er benyttet for EPAS.
I 2025 planlegges oppstart av disse regelverksprosjektene:
Tentativt kvartal |
Tittel |
RMT.0748-1 | Q1 |
Regular update of the U-space regulatory framework, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/664 (U-space), Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/665 (Part-ATS), Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/666 (Rules of the air), and related AMC & GM |
RMT.0746-1 | Q2 | Regular update of the aerodrome rules for the transposition of ICAO SARPs amendments - Transposition of ICAO amendments to Annex 14 Volume II on heliports |
RMT.0752 | Q2 |
Continued integrity verification programme (CIVP) |
RMT.0750-1 | Q4 |
Regular update of the use of airspace and requirements on aircraft equipment |
EASA gjennomfører høring gjennom publisering av Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA). I noen saker publiseres det ingen NPA, og EASA gjennomfører i stedet konsultasjoner med aktørene, interesseorganisasjoner, medlemsstatene m.fl.
I 2025 planlegger EASA å publisere NPA eller gjennomføre konsultasjoner i disse regelverksprosjektene:
Tentativt kvartal |
Tittel |
RMT.0476-6 | Q1 |
Regular update of the standardised European rules of the air - Second comprehensive regular update of SERA |
RMT.0729-2 | Q1 |
Regular update of Regulations (EU) 2019/945 and 2019/947 (drones in the ‘open’ and ‘specific’ categories) |
RMT.0731-4C | Q1 | New air mobility - air operations rules for airships |
RMT.0733-2 | Q1 |
Environmental protection requirements for products not covered by ICAO Annex 16 |
RMT.0184-2 |
Q2 |
Regular update of CS-E |
RMT.0687-3 | Q2 |
Regular update of CS-23 |
RMT.0707-2 | Q2 |
Medical regulation - combination of Part-MED (Annex IV) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and Part ATCO MED (Annex IX) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 |
RMT.0719-6 | Q2 |
Regular update of air traffic management/air navigation services rules (IRs and AMC & GM) |
RMT.0732-2 | Q2 |
Repository of aviation-related information (Article 74 of the Basic Regulation) - AMC and GM to support the establishment and management of the repository |
RMT.0741 | Q2 |
Take-off performance parameters and position errors - large aeroplanes |
RMT.0742-2 |
Q2 |
Artificial intelligence trustworthiness - Preparation of a generic AI trustworthiness framework
Artificial intelligence trustworthiness - Development of a generic set of acceptable means of compliance and guidance material for the AI trustworthiness framework |
RMT.0743-1 | Q2 |
Regular update of the AMC & GM associated with the ATM/ANS ground equipment conformity assessment framework |
RMT.0749-2 | Q2 |
Regular update of Regulation (EU) 2023/2117 (Repository of civilaviation-related information) |
RMT.0161-5 | Q3 |
Conformity assessment - Establishment of a European certification/declaration system for safety-related aerodrome equipment |
RMT.0735-1 | Q3 |
Regular update of the CAW Regulation |
RMT.0744-1 | Q3 |
Regular update of the detailed specifications for ATM/ANS ground equipment |
RMT.0727-4 | Q4 | Alignment of Part 21 with Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 (including simple and proportionate rules for General Aviation) - Review of the ETSO system |
RMT.0742-4 |
Q4 |
Artificial intelligence trustworthiness - Domain adaptation to AI for airworthiness, ATM/ANS, unmanned aircrafts/U-space and aerodromes
Artificial intelligence trustworthiness - Domain adaptation to AI for other affected domains |
RMT.0748-1 | Q4 | Regular update of the U-space regulatory framework, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/664 (U-space), Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/665 (Part-ATS), Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/666 (Rules of the air), and related AMC & GM |
EASA utarbeider en Opinion som er EASAs endelige regelverksforslag som oversendes til Kommisjonen.
I 2025 planlegger EASA å utarbeide Opinion i disse regelverksprosjektene:
Tentativt kvartal |
Tittel |
RMT.0196-2 | Q1 |
Update of the flight simulation training device requirements |
RMT.0719-4b | Q1 |
Regular update of air traffic management/air navigation services rules (IRs and AMC & GM) - Alignment of Regulation (EU) 2017/373 with the evolving ICAO provisions |
RMT.0161-4 | Q2 |
Conformity assessment - Establishment of a European certification/declaration system for safety-related aerodrome equipment |
RMT.0544 | Q2 |
Review of Part-147 |
RMT.0392-1a RMT.0392-1b RMT.0392-1e |
Q3 | Regular update of the air operations rules |
RMT.0493 |
Q3 |
Development of FTL rules for CAT operations of emergency medical services by aeroplanes (AEMS) - Development of harmonised and state-of-the-art rules for AEMS
Update and harmonisation of the FTL rules for CAT by aeroplanes for air taxi and single-pilot operations |
RMT.0737-1 | Q3 |
Enabling electronic personnel licensing in Europe |
RMT.0727-3 |
Q4 |
Regular update of the Initial Airworthiness Regulation and associated AMC and GM - POA & DOA holders
Alignment of Part 21 with Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 (including simple and proportionate rules for General Aviation) - Certification of non-installed equipment (NIE) |
RMT.0707-2 | Q4 |
Medical regulation —- combination of Part-MED (Annex IV) of Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 and Part ATCO MED (Annex IX) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 |
RMT.0749-2 | Q4 | Regular update of Regulation (EU) 2023/2117 (Repository of civilaviation-related information) |
Dersom noen er særlig interessert i et av regelverksprosjektene, send en epost til postmottak@caa.no, og merk eposten med RMT-nummeret.