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EASA form 12 – Application for Part-147 approval


09.06.2018 - Teknisk utdanning

NF-0001 Rapport over samlet flygevirksomhet

09.06.2018 - Rapport over samlet flygevirksomhet

Declaration in accordance with EC No 965/2012 on Air operations - ORO.DEC.100

09.06.2018 - Selverklæring SPO og NCC

EASA Form 19

Her finner du søknadsskjema for Part-66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence (AML) – vedlikeholdssertifikat for luftfartøy, og en veiledning for hvordan du skal fylle u...

09.06.2018 - Vedlikehold, Teknisk utdanning

Part-21 Application - Production Organisation Approval (EASA Form 050 & 051)

09.06.2018 - Part 21 Initial Airworthiness

Application for Part 21 permit to fly

EASA Form 21

09.06.2018 - Part 21 Initial Airworthiness

NF-0349 Søknad om luftdyktighetsbevis

09.06.2018 - Part 21 Initial Airworthiness

NF-1077-1 Application for use of FSTD (Flight Simulation Training Device) in Part ORO training

09.06.2018 - Flyselskap